
Trezor supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies. Access your Trezor wallet securely through our login process. Safeguard your cryptocurrency investments with confidence.

What is is the official starting point for new users of the Trezor hardware wallets. It guides users through the initial setup of their Trezor device, including steps like installing the Trezor Bridge, firmware updates, and securing the device with a PIN and recovery seed.


  • Enhanced Security: Provides offline storage for cryptocurrencies, reducing the risk of online hacks.

  • Ease of Use: User-friendly setup process for beginners.

  • Multi-Currency Support: Compatible with a wide range of cryptocurrencies.

  • Backup and Recovery: Features like the recovery seed allow for secure backup and restoration.


  • Cost: Requires purchasing the hardware, making it more expensive than software wallets.

  • Physical Risk: Being a physical device, it can be lost or damaged.

  • Limited Accessibility: Requires the device to be connected to a computer or phone for transactions, reducing accessibility compared to online wallets.

Last updated